Monday 5 September 2011

Nivea 'Pearl & Beauty' Anti-Perspirant

Wow! What can I say about this? What a product to start off with!
I've been testing this product for 4 days and I am in love with it! I used alot of different deos and havent really been happy with any of them. They smell nice in the tub but once I put them on, I feel sticky and theres just no smell at all. No bad smell - which is good - but not a nice smell either - which is bad.
I was looking for the one with added moisteriser but it was £5+!! Foget that! I then say this one and had a little sniff. It smelt nice and, in big bold letters on the cap says 'BEAUTIFUL UNDERARMS'. Mmm, Im intreged.
I read on:
Nivea - awesome products
Pearl & beauty - what a lovely name
48h protection - thats alot of protecting!
Gentle care - what my underarms need
0% alcohol - perfect! All my others had added alcohol which is prob why my underarsm were always so sore after shaving and putting them on
and then the price tag........98p!
Thats right. 98p! It was knocked down in Wilkinsons:
from £1.98. Not bad hey! For that price you'd be an idiot not to try it.

I took it home nad tried it that very night. My udnerarms didnt sting when I rolled it on after shaving, the lovely feminan, clean, floral smell lasted hours and when I awoke the next morning - after a warm night - I didnt smell or was sweaty!
Def one I'm going to be using until my dying day! (unless they find a safe and cheap procedure to stop you from sweating)


Star rating: *****

Lexi G x

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